BPC “New Life”

  • Varna

  • Svishtov

  • Pleven

  • Shumen

About us

Description of Our Mission

God is not just a power or energy. He is a triune personal God. If this is true it should change completely the way we think and live. In Bulgarian Protestant Church “New Life” we believe that God exists and that He has revealed Himself to us through creation, the Biblical revelation and the incarnation of God’s Son Jesus Christ. We love Bulgaria and want to know more about its history, care for its present and work for its better future. That’s why at our gatherings we learn to better obey God, love our neighbor and serve our motherland.

We believe that only faith in God’s Son Jesus Christ can give hope to our compatriots for overcoming the hard political, economic and spiritual crisis. Only the spiritual revival can take our nation to a new awakening so that she could come regain its noble position in the family of European nations.

We invite you to an exciting adventure with us – come and get to know more of this incredible God and take part in the work of renewal of Bulgaria.

I`m new here

Someone once said that people are very open for new things as far as they are just like the old ones. Change often frustrates and even confuses us. If you’ve never been to our church chances are that many things will look unfamiliar to you. Probably you have many questions. Here are the answers of some frequently asked questions.

How should I dress?

There is no requirement that people should wear formal wear. Clothing can be casual but still we have to dress modestly and decently. We encourage you not to wear scanty or skin-tight clothes. Thus we show our reverence to God and our respect to the other believers.

Do I have to make the sign of the cross at entering?

At “New Life” you don’t have to cross yourself at entering, leaving or during special prayers. Still, if you are used to make the sign of the cross, feel free to do it. The sign of the cross symbolizes the cross of Christ. Тhe three fingers put together stand for the Holy Trinity, whereas the two folded fingers symbolize our faith in Jesus Christ who had two natures on earth – Godly and human, God and man. Therefore, without faith in God and Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior our sign of the cross would be just an empty ritual.

What is a typical worship service like?

The Bible says that our worship should be done with spirit and truth and is a manifestation of our belief and not following empty rituals. That’s why most probably you won’t see opulent decoration, icons and priests wearing black robes. You won’t hear sermons and prayers in archaic language either. What will you see then? We sing songs in contemporary Bulgarian language to God so as to show Him that we love Him and worship Him. We pray with all our hearts for Bulgaria, our friends and each other to show that God’s love is alive in us. We read, study and preach God’s Word so that it would dwell in us richly (Colossians 3:16).

What time does your worship service start?

Our worship service is conducted every Sunday. It starts at 11 am and lasts about an hour and a half. After the service we stay on to have fellowship at a cup of tea or coffee. On the first Sunday of the month we have lunch together.

What about kids?

If you have kids and have no babysitter available we have taken care of this. There is a children’s Sunday school at BPC “New Life”. Attendance is free of charge. Every Sunday after the songs we sing and before the sermon you can take your child or children to the Sunday school room. If necessary you can stay for some time there until your kids get used to it. Our experienced Sunday school teachers will make sure through crafts, drawing and songs that all kids are having fun and learning something new from God’s Word. Jesus says: “Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14). We believe that only God’s word can teach children how to distinguish good from evil and keep them from the fate of many youths who are going down the road of sin.

Where are the icons?

Usually you won’t see icons at our churches. There are two reasons why. First, God is a Spirit and cannot be depicted graphically. The Bible says that true worship involves “spirit and truth”, i.e. with faith in the heart and a life committed to God. Moreover, the second of the Ten Commandments forbids worship of icons (Exodus 20:4). This, of course, does not mean that we don’t appreciate art. It only means that we know how to distinguish worship of God from adoration of the artist’s talent.

Must I give money to the church?

The attendance of our worship service is completely free of charge. You don’t have to pay entrance fee or for the pastor to pray for you, or for your kid to attend the Sunday school. As Jesus reminds us, “Freely you have received; freely give.” (Matthew 10:8). At the same time, if you want you can leave a donation in the money box. The money goes for the maintenance of the church building and for conducting initiatives.

You have more questions?

Write to [email protected] or call +359894483341.


  • Through a bank transfer to:
    Account Holder: BPC Nov Jivot
    Bank: UniCredit Bulbank
    Address: 9000 Varna, 36-38 Vl. Varnenchik Blvd.
    IBAN: BG45UNCR70001522169529BGN